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The General and the President

Judge Andrew Napolitano, This is a tale of FBI power misused and presidential trust misplaced. Last week, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s confidant on matters pertaining to national security from June 2015 to February 2017 and his short-lived national security adviser in the White House, pleaded guilty in federal court in Washington,

A Story of Shocking FBI Scandal

Wayne Root,  I am sad to bring you a story of what certainly appears to be shocking government abuse, corruption, scandal and violation of trust. I’m sad because it involves a federal government institution I’ve trusted my entire life- the FBI. It’s a national scandal that should leave every American shocked and shaken.  Is the FBI

Can the Feds Prosecute Foreigners if Their Actions Are Legal Where They Are?

Judge Andrew Napolitano, I am in Switzerland this week interacting with and lecturing to students and faculty at the University of Zurich. The subject of our work is the U.S. Constitution and its protections of personal liberty. In most countries, government has begrudgingly granted snippets of personal liberty to keep those who are demanding it

Comey’s statement fails to deliver the smoking gun Democrats craved

Alan Dershowitz, Former FBI Director James Comey’s written statement, which was released in advance of his Thursday testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, does not provide evidence that President Trump committed obstruction of justice or any other crime. Indeed it strongly suggests that even under the broadest reasonable definition of obstruction, no such crime was