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The Monumental Importance of Clarity in Government: Trump’s Greatest Challenge

Congressman Trent Franks, As habitually practiced since only the mid-1990s, by doing absolutely nothing, with almost no accountability accruing to them (using the “no-debate stealth filibuster”), the minority in the U.S. Senate can easily and nearly always either stop every legislative effort from even coming to the floor, or far more insidiously, sabotage it by

Erdogan’s next move: Restore capital punishment

Jazz Shaw, Meanwhile in Turkey… Turkey’s aspiring tyrant, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, continues attempting to institute “reforms” in his country at a breakneck pace. (And tragically, in this case, the word breakneck might be far more literal than we would wish.) Next month the Turkish people will be voting on Erdogan’s referendum transferring vast powers

A Stain on the GOP that even the strongest “detergent” will not be able to Remove

Cal Thomas, Readers of a certain age may recall ads for Ivory Soap, which claimed to be 99 and 44/100ths percent pure. If the soap could have reached 100 percent purity, the company would likely have made the claim. Purity, apparently, is what some conservative Republicans are demanding in a health insurance bill, which likely

Did Obama spy on Trump?

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, The question of whether former President Barack Obama actually spied on President Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign and transition has been tantalizing Washington since President Trump first made the allegation nearly two weeks ago. Since then, three investigations have been launched — one by the FBI, one by the

The Saudis are coming: Seven things Team Trump needs to know

Ali Shihabi, When Saudi Arabia’s young and dynamic Deputy Crown Prince, son of King Salman, arrives in Washington this week, he’ll seek to both reaffirm the strong security alliance with America and to impart a powerful message of how the Kingdom is changing. In just over two years, the 31-year-old Mohammed bin Salman, has tackled

Chemtrail Related Illnesses likely the largest cause of disease today

Global Skywatch People are reporting illnesses associated with chemtrail spraying in countries around the globe. Unexplained deaths of animals and plant life are occurring as well. This page provides you with an overview of the illnesses that are being experienced. It also contains information that you won’t hear in mainstream media.   Please take a

Is it time for our dealmaker in chief to talk with North Korea?

Dr. Jim Walsh, North Korea’s recent missile tests will put new pressure on the Trump administration to choose a strategy for dealing with this pesky proliferator. The standard playbook is well known to those who have worked on the problem of North Korea: pressure China to pressure North Korea, toughen sanctions, reassure allies and push