Tom Cotton for VP? The outspoken senator would be a great fit for Trump’s ticket

Ashley Pratte, Polizette 

Tom Cotton, a first-term senator from Arkansas, made headlines last week when he said he agreed with Donald Trump’s position on NATO — raising many eyebrows in the GOP community about the timing of his statement. Could he be vying for the veep slot on the Trump ticket?

Cotton was fresh from a meeting with the GOP front-runner, who took the opportunity to meet with Republican lawmakers in Washington, D.C., earlier in the week.

Cotton agreed with Trump’s statement that the United States provides too much financial backing to NATO. But Cotton disagrees America should reduce its contribution and instead would urge the European nations involved to pay their fair share and step up their spending.

“He identified a serious problem that I’ve tried to address along with some of my colleagues. I would just have a slightly different solution to that problem,” Cotton said in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Recently, Trump alluded to the fact that he sees political experience as an asset in a running mate. “The main quality that you want is somebody that could be a great president if something happens to you — that’s gotta be number one,” he said. “But after that, you want somebody that can help you with legislation, getting it through.”

While Cotton is only a first-term senator, he still has more political experience than Trump — something the billionaire businessman would view as an asset on his ticket. Cotton has also been outspoken on national security issues and is a leader within the GOP when it comes to foreign policy.

Cotton is best known for his strong criticism of the Iran deal put forward by the Obama administration. He came under fire for penning an open leader to Iranian leadership asserting that Congress can void the details of the agreement at any time. Trump has also been outspoken on the Iran deal — calling it a bad deal. “Never, ever, ever in my life have I seen any transaction so incompetently negotiated as our deal with Iran,” said Trump.

When asked about Trump’s ability to be commander-in-chief, Cotton defended the GOP front-runner. “Well, I think he could be the commander-in-chief, he’s one of our leading candidates,” said Cotton. “I know whoever that nominee is, though, will be more qualified to keep America safe than Hillary Clinton.”