Hillary’s Partner in Crime, Huma Abedin to Trump: ‘I’m a proud Muslim’

The bipartisan blowback against Donald Trump’s call for a shutdown on Muslims entering the United States has come hard and fast.

In the hours after Trump’s controversial call, Huma Abedin, longtime Hillary Clinton aide and vice chair of Hillary for America, sent an email blast, touting her own Muslim faith and condemning Trump’s remarks as damaging and Islamaphobic.

“I’m a proud Muslim—but you don’t have to share my faith to share my disgust,” Abedin wrote. “Trump literally wants to write racism into our law books. His Islamophobia doesn’t reflect our nation’s values—it goes far enough to damage our country’s reputation and could even threaten our national security.”

“Add your name to stand with Hillary and build a stronger, fairer, more inclusive country together.”

Several prominent Republicans also joined in to condemn Trump’s statement, calling Trump “unhinged” and blasting the appeal as going against American values.

Senator Lindsey Graham urged his party to “tell Donald Trump to go to hell”  Ohio Governor John Kasich circulated a petition, capitalizing on the controversy by calling on supporters to pitch in donations “stop Trump.”

“This rhetoric is dangerous and it’s divisive. It’s time for our party to wake up and realize that if we nominate Trump, Hillary Clinton will definitely be the next president,” said Kasich.

Voters seem to have been slower to react, with Trump remaining the Republican frontrunner in the latest Reuters-Ipsos poll and the majority of Americans saying they don’t view Muslims as being different from any other group in America.

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  • Prettylady!

    I guess she can call herself a Muslim. How could she marry an infidel, though? She is a leftist ideologue first.

  • whowhatme

    Huma = Muslim Brotherhood = Terrorist