Kasich Supports Obama’s Liberal Supreme Court Nominee #VoteTrump

Daniel Horowitz,

Ted Cruz is polling just above the 50% mark in Utah, the threshold needed to win all of the state’s 40 delegates this upcoming Tuesday.  Yet, John Kasich, who has no chance of winning a single remaining state, much less the nomination, is trying to siphon off enough votes to keep Cruz from catching Trump in the delegate count.  So just who is this man who is handing the nomination to Donald Trump on a silver platter? 

At a time when Republicans need an impervious show of unity to block Merrick Garland, Obama’s liberal Supreme Court nominee, John Kasich is not only signaling his support for consideration, he is suggesting that he’d consider nominating him in the first place!

Ohio governor and Republican presidential candidate John Kasich gently criticized Senate Republicans’ approach to President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, suggesting lawmakers should at least meet with the nominee, and even saying he’d consider nominating Garland himself, as president.


“I never thought the president should send it because I knew nothing was going to happen,” Kasich told “Face the Nation” in an interview taped for Sunday’s broadcast.

“Frankly,” he added, “they probably ought to all sit down and meet with the guy.” [CBS News]

Think about this perverse dynamic for a moment.  People are supporting Donald Trump because they think he will end the weak-kneed GOP culture of capitulation.  Yet, not only is Trump a deal maker (in his own words), he is being enabled by a liberal Republican who is splitting the anti-Trump vote, a man who embodies the root cause of the anger being expressed by the conservative electorate. 

Many Republicans have come out and declared that Trump should be disqualified from running as a Republican.  It’s time for these same people to project that view in the direction of the Ohio governor who is running to be Trump’s vice president.  Anyone who would consider nominating a man who doesn’t believe in the Second Amendment as defined by the Framers to the highest court in the land should be banished from even speaking at the GOP convention in Cleveland.

  • slick willie

    Ohio gave us kasich.
    South Carolina- graham
    New York-schumer
    Anybody see a pattern here?

    • http://conservativeread.com christopher m paiva

      Yes, Boehner Ohio, New York Feinstein , Massachusetts Romney…etc.

      • slick willie

        new youk feinstein???