Equal Justice for All Includes Our Unborn

Congressman Jim Banks, Today, hundreds of thousands of Americans will gather in Washington to advocate for the cause of life. The United States was founded on the universal principle that all people have a God-given right to life. All includes every single human-being, regardless of race, gender or age. However, since the Supreme Court’s tragic

How Trump’s Tax Cut Is Already Working

Stephen Moore, With the recent announcement of Walmart’s increasing starting wages and Fiat Chrysler’s opening a new plant (with 2,500 jobs) in Michigan, there are now more than a hundred companies that have offered bonuses and benefit hikes to their workers due to the tax cut. An estimated 1 million workers have benefited. This after

Trump Should Stand His Ground on Immigration

Andy Schlafly, Editor’s Note: This column was co-authored by John Schlafly The mainstream media have had a field day reporting on President Trump’s alleged use of coarse language in a closed-door meeting at the White House last week.  According to one tally, CNN repeated the offensive word 195 times in a single day last week, including

Twitter Bad, Government Worse

Bob Barr, When it comes to the Internet, people often take for granted “free” access to online products and services, such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter.  We tend to think that our use alone of such services, bolstering metrics like their “daily average user” figures, is what allows them to generate greater ad revenue. Yet,

Replacing the Mainstream Media

Rachel Alexander, We complain about how biased the so-called mainstream media is, but what do we do about it? CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS dominate TV news. The New York Times and The Washington Post dominate print media. Everywhere you turn you can’t escape their presence. CNN is carried in far more markets than

President Trump, Please Stay the Course

David Limbaugh, It would behoove President Trump to keep faith with his base and remain hardcore on his signature issue, immigration, both because it’s the right thing to do and because it’s the wisest political course. Commentators are speculating as to Trump’s motives in conducting a televised bipartisan conference, during which he appeared open to

Stop Scaremongering. The Press Is Freer Than It’s Ever Been

David Harsanyi, The Committee to Protect Journalists, a group alleging to promote press freedom and the rights of journalists, gave President Donald Trump the Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom Award in its Press Oppressors awards this week. The story was giddily retweeted across the liberal Twitterverse because, one imagines, people actually believe it.

Trump Feeling The Pressure To Get Dreamer Deal Done

Donald Lambro, WASHINGTON — President Trump continued to soften a few of his hardcore positions on immigration Tuesday at an extraordinary, bipartisan, deal-cutting meeting with lawmakers at the White House. Attempting to broker a compromise for the $18 billion wall he wants to build on the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump seemed to be willing to sign