Archives for 

john mccain

Senator Rand Paul’s Realignment

The senator points his party toward a stronger defense policy By William S. Lind A concept central to our medieval forebears’ understanding of how life works was the wheel of fortune. Whoever was on top would soon be on his way down, and whoever was humble and lowly would find himself on the way up. If [...]

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Should Sarah Palin Run in 2016?

Palin By Dustin Hawkins The Case for a Palin Candidacy for President Democrats claim they would love for Sarah Palin to be the Republican nominee in 2016. They constantly write articles of her “irrelevancy,” and mock her and write story, after story, after story about her. Because that’s what you do with irrelevant people. Many Republicans are [...]

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Libertarians on the rise and Jeb Bush Beats the Drum for Inclusion and Acceptance at CPAC

CPAC-300x250 This account by the Daily Beast’s Michael Moynihan highlights the virtual libertarian takeover of CPAC this year and what it means for Rand Paul: When Rand Paul addresses those issues that divide libertarians and traditional conservatives-national security, the drug war, immigration, gay rights-he does so gingerly, framing them for the CPAC audience. Guantánamo and the [...]

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Would Ron Paul Hurt Rand Paul in 2016?

Crep Rand Paul made quite the statement with his epic filibuster last week. When the old guard Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham turned on him (not-surprisingly) it only made him that much more liked by the conservative base. The speculation was already high that Paul would be interested in running for president in 2016, and [...]

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Senators hush-hush as they craft immigration bill

WASHINGTON (AP) — The eight senators meet in private several times a week, alternating between Sen. John McCain’s and Sen. Charles Schumer’s offices. They sit in arm chairs arranged in a circle and sip water or soft drinks as they debate temporary workers and border security. In a capital riven by partisanship and gridlock, they [...]

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God and Jeb at CPAC

Reru John McCain’s presidential campaign manager from four years ago, Steve Schmidt, has compared the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to the “Star Wars bar scene.” Reflecting on the dysfunctional 2008 freak show that passed for a campaign against Barack Obama, Mr. Schmidt would know. The conference’s problem, for many longtime participants, is not the [...]

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GOP is Erratic in its Confirmation Strategy

One last question about newly confirmed Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. Why? Why for nearly two months (a Washington eternity) did this nominee above all others galvanize GOP Senate opposition? I ask the question in genuine wonderment. After all, there was John Kerry with that giant bull’s-eye on his record for giving outrageous aid and [...]

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Former Nebraska Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel walked into the Dirksen Senate Office Building with a smile on his face at 9 a.m. on the morning of his hearing for confirmation to the post of secretary of defense. Once he was seated, though, Republican panelists on the Senate Armed Services Committee took turns wringing out the [...]

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John Hawkins: 7 Reasons Conservatives Don’t Trust the Republican Establishment

Just as moderates are completely unrepresented in a Democratic Party that’s dominated by liberals, movement conservatives often don’t feel represented by the Republican Party. At first glance, this seems rather odd since most Republicans in Congress are conservative. However, it’s a natural reaction to the Republican establishment that has its hands welded to many of [...]

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Buchanan: Is Hagel out of the mainstream?

Buchanan: Is Hagel out of the mainstream? “Chuck Hagel is out of the mainstream of thinking … on most issues regarding foreign policy,” says GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham. Neocon William Kristol concurs: Hagel is “out on the fringes.” But where, exactly, is the mainstream on foreign policy in 2013? Since the Bush II years, “the three amigos” — Sens. Graham, John McCain [...]

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Who Fed Susan the Benghazi Bullhockey?

At his news conference Wednesday, President Barack Obama postured as the young Galahad striding out onto the schoolyard to stop a pair of bullies from beating up a girl. Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham had charged U.N. Amb. Susan Rice with misleading the nation when, five days after the Benghazi attack in which Amb. [...]

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Panetta, Clinton could testify in Benghazi ‘Watergate’ panel

Panetta, Clinton could testify in Benghazi   Members of the Senate Armed Services Committee called Wednesday for the formation of special joint select committee to investigate Benghazi, like that assembled to probe the Nixon-era Watergate scandal. Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) told reporters that the efforts of the Senate Armed Services, Intelligence, and Foreign Relations [...]

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