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Tight Job Market in U.S. Cities Prompts Higher Pay

 To hire 10 to 15 project coordinators this year, Sabre Commercial Inc. has boosted pay 10 percent and added a 401(k) retirement plan. “It is an employee’s market,” said John Cyrier, co-founder and president of the 48-employee Austin, Texas-based builder. “We are definitely seeing a labor shortage in Austin and central Texas. I see it […] Continue reading →

Top 4 Reasons Obama Will Be Seen As A Failure

Floyd Brown  As Barack Obama moves toward the end of his career, expect to hear lots of talk about his legacy. I believe the first African-American president will be remembered kindly by the academic establishment, writing from their ivory towers, because of the historic nature of his election. But for average Americans, it’ll be a […] Continue reading →

192, 000 Jobs Added in March but Wages Fall

Peter Morici  The economy created 192,000 jobs in March, down from 197,000 in February, and still well below the pace needed to lower underemployment to respectable levels. Those mediocre results are consistent with a broadly underperforming economy. Manufacturing employment lost 1,000 jobs, and government stalled. Other than construction, which gained 19,000 employees, most new positions […] Continue reading →

Sarah Palin is Right: Obamacare Death Panel Real

 Disguised as the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee Turns out Sarah Palin was right. Obamacare does have Death Panels, and they are currently disguised as the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee. In this week when Obamacare finally turns one day old, the political problems that our economic recovery face have never […] Continue reading →

Student loan debts top $1 trln in US

The student loan industry is booming, saddling over 37 million college students and graduates with $1.08 trillion in loans in 2013, even as President Barack Obama and lawmakers work to rein in the crippling debt young people face in the US. The average cost of a Bachelor’s degree at a private college or university is […] Continue reading →

Thomas Sowell: Republicans and Blacks

 Recently former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice added her voice to those who have long been urging the Republican Party to reach out to black voters. Not only is that long overdue, what is also long overdue is putting some time — and, above all, some serious thought — into how to go about doing […] Continue reading →

Long-term jobless face a dark future in U.S.: study

The millions of Americans suffering through long stretches of unemployment could be left behind as the economy strengthens, a study by an influential former White House economist found. Alan Krueger, a respected labor market economist who led President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, said those unemployed long term tended to put less effort into […] Continue reading →

When a Child is King, No Peace and No Prosperity

John Ransom Weekly unemployment claims came in about as expected, which is good news considering our expectations for this economy are so low. “In the week ending March 15,” says the Department of Labor, “the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 320,000, an increase of 5,000 from the previous week’s unrevised figure of […] Continue reading →