Archives for

Kurt Schlichter

You Can Tell What Leftists Are Doing By What They Accuse Conservatives Of Doing

Kurt Schlichter, Suddenly the Democrats are coming out against their classic moves like cavorting with Russians to hack American elections and perjury (like you need a link), so who knows which of their foundational principles they will pull a 180 on and betray next: Climate scams? Free money for deadbeats? Jane Fonda? But they don’t

CPAC 2017: Making Peace With Trump, Taking Aim at Congress

Kurt Schlichter, This year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) could have been titled President Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Don. For the first time in years, most of America’s premier conservatives gathered to find themselves the proverbial dog who chased and caught the car. With the White House, Congress,

Against the Tyranny of the So-Called Experts

Kurt Schlichter, America’s elite – that collection of puffed up mediocrities who until recently held the undisputed command of the heights of our politics and culture – is in crisis. Its unbroken track record of failure has finally stirred the rest of America from its coma. The normals are now hella woke, and the elitists

Some New Year’s Resolutions for Progressives

Kurt Schlichter, The year 2016 was a great one for our progressive friends – except for that whole utter repudiation unpleasantness of last November. Now, as a concerned conservative friend eager to help, let me offer you some New Year’s resolutions that will keep you on the path to success. The bottom line: stay the

Laughing At Liberals As They Lose Their Minds

Kurt Schlichter, I reached peak Twitter this week when I was sucked into a tweet battle with a liberal dwarf. True story. Donald Trump’s victory had the militant munchkin fuming. I have to admit that I was a little short with her myself. But I should be smiling – we conservatives should all be smiling

Liberals Have Nothing But Contempt for Women

Kurt Schlichter,  Forgive me if I’m confused, but there seems to be a huge disconnect between what our would-be elite overlords are telling us about women and what they actually think. Apparently coherence and consistency are sexist, and probably also racist and homophobic, making the pooh-bahs of the establishment and their media gimps the most

Because Famous Liberal Women Are Special, You Peasants

Kurt Schlichter,  Love means never having to say you’re sorry, and apparently so does being a famous liberal woman. In fact, being a famous liberal woman apparently means being exempt not only from basic social conventions but from actual laws whose breaking would result in lesser humans – meaning everyone who isn’t a famous liberal

Hey Sanders Saps, Hillary Is Laughing At You! What Are You Gonna Do About It?

Kurt Schlichter,  It’s always see fun to see idealistic, inspired, and hopeful progressives have their dreams mercilessly crushed by the Democrat crime cartel. Did you silly millennials, union flunkies, and aging hippies really believe that you had a shot at getting your boy Bernie Sanders the nomination? Ha! P.T. Barnum had a name for you

11 Principles for a Free America After the Liberals Secede

Kurt Schlichter,  It’s becoming pretty clear that, like their Democrat forefathers, today’s Democrats are convinced that America is entirely too free and that they must take their blue states and secede. We normals no longer meet their high moral standards, what with our insistence on believing in God, having a voice in our governance, and