Archives for

Ben Sasse

Senator Demands Release of FISA Court Warrant Request from Obama Surveillance of Trump

Warner Todd Huston, Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), delivered a statement on Saturday concerning the accusations President Trump posted to Twitter that President Barack Obama authorized wiretaps on Trump’s campaign during the recent election. The Senator also noted that Obama’s spokesman said the accusations are false. “The President today made some very serious allegations, and the

Trump’s Cabinet Picks May Not Get Rubber-Stamped by Rand Paul

Donald Trump sits atop Republicans in Washington, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the Senate will rubber-stamp everyone he picks for his Cabinet. While he can expect the Republican Senate to confirm the vast majority of his choices, the party’s narrow 52-48 edge and early infighting could slow or doom controversial ones. Senator Rand Paul of

A Vote for Values is a Vote for Trump

Edmund Kozak, This ‘election matters’ — and the choice is very clear, say conservative politicians. In a message aimed squarely at Republicans against Donald Trump or who are hesitant about voting for Donald Trump, congressional Republicans speaking at the 2016 Values Voter Summit described the stark choice facing the nation. While many conservatives opposed to

Clinton fact-checked on ‘truthful’ claim in email scandal

Hillary Clinton is getting hammered for saying on “Fox News Sunday” that FBI Director James Comey confirmed her statements on her email scandal were “truthful” – with one prominent fact-checker giving the claim four “Pinocchios.” The former secretary of state cited Comey when asked to account for her repeated claims that she never sent or

Why I Am Not a Cruzite

Mona Charen, Ted Cruz’s electrifying performance at the 2016 Republican National Convention will be long remembered, and deservedly so. At a critical moment, when the party of Lincoln had uncomfortably but nonetheless thoroughly embraced a lifelong Democrat/reality star/violence-abettor — and when few leading Republicans had demonstrated the courage to oppose him — Cruz did. Politicians

Donald Trump, candidate of change #AmericaFirst

On the left, and among Donald Trump’s conservative critics, a new debate has emerged: is the media to blame for the businessman’s rise, or are Republican primary voters simply “idiots,” as New York Magazine’s Jon Chait argued recently, and unable to recognize a con-artist when they see one? This is a false choice. There are

Nebraska GOP Convention Humiliates Ben Sasse with Crushing 400 to 8 Reprimand

Breitbart Delegates to the State Republican Convention in Nebraska dealt a near unanimous reprimand to Sen. Ben Sasse on Saturday for his outspoken support for the “Never Trump” effort designed to deny presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump the presidency in November. Sen. Ben Sasse’s reprimand passed by a voice vote, which a reporter at the

No, a Conservative Third-Party Candidate Can’t Steal the Electoral College

Some conservative Republicans who hate Donald Trump want to run a third-party presidential candidate, such as Nebraska Republican senator Ben Sasse, who has lambasted Trump. It’s a plan that might help them turn out conservative voters, who would otherwise stay home to protest Trump, and help Republicans avoid a down-ballot wipeout. More likely, it could

UnitedHealth pulls back on ObamaCare exchanges amid huge losses

The nation’s largest health insurer, fearing massive financial losses, announced Tuesday that it plans to pull back from ObamaCare in a big way and cut its participation in the program’s insurance exchanges to just a handful of states next year – in the latest sign of instability in the marketplace under the law. UnitedHealth CEO