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New NAFTA Deal Still Being Worked Out By Trump Administration

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Sunday the Trump administration has yet to determine what the trade agreement replacing NAFTA will look like. “One size doesn’t fit all,” Ross said in an exclusive interview on “Sunday Morning Futures.” “The issues of automotive are not the same as the issues of agriculture; they’re not the same

An angry doctor’s plea: Stop bickering and fix the ObamaCare mess

Dr. Kevin Campbell, One of the biggest issues of the 2016 election was the state of health care in the U.S.  Republicans ran on a platform of repealing and replacing a failing ObamaCare system.  Democrats touted ObamaCare as an overwhelming success.  Neither party has really addressed the issues surrounding the law—patients are experiencing higher costs,

Picture catches Clinton reading newspaper story about Pence emails

Hillary Clinton, whose 2016 White House bid was set back by an email controversy, was seen in a photograph taken Friday intently looking at a newspaper story about Vice President Pence’s email issues. Clinton while sitting in an airplane appears to be looking at a front-page story in USA Today about Pence’s controversy. The photographer

Bryan Dean Wright: I’m a Democrat and it’s time for our party to apologize to America

Bryan Dean Wright, Now that President Trump has delivered his State of the Union-style address, my fellow Democrats are settling in for a long fight. Our new DNC Chairman Tom Perez is leading the charge, promising to be a “nightmare” for the president and his fellow Republicans. The reason is clear: Mr. Perez tastes political

How Donald Trump Became My Favorite Conservative Leader

Caleb Parke, As I look back on my first time attending CPAC in 2012 to this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, I can’t help but think how much the landscape has changed. It wasn’t until the 2008 campaign that I really got involved in politics. After the GOP chose Sen. John McCain for their nominee,

A Glimpse into the Minds of Millennial Conservatives

Meleana Moore, Millennial conservatives are of much debate these days, namely on college campuses, as their liberal classmates view them with disdain.  However, these young and determined conservatives won’t stand down. Many believe millennials to only be focused on social issues, but upon interviewing several millennials from different areas of the country at CPAC this past weekend,

Wilbur Ross confirmed as Commerce secretary

The Senate voted Monday to confirm billionaire investor Wilbur Ross as secretary of commerce in President Trump’s Cabinet.  Ross was approved by a vote of 72-27, with 20 Democrats and Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, joining 51 Republicans to vote “aye.” Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., did not vote due to his ongoing recovery from back surgery.