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After Rejecting Tax Cuts, Liberal Congressmen Looking for Bail Out Before Fall Elections

Brian Darling, Liberal Democrats, panicked over voters’ responses to their anti-tax relief agenda, now want the federal government to subsidize quick political victories for them in November.  The fear is that taxpayers will realize that the Trump tax plan is a tax cut and not a tax hike as Democrats have been saying.  After telling

Americans: Optimistic No More?

Ed Feulner, “The present is getting better. The future, not at all.” So begins a recent New York Times article about a Pew study that shows the public adopting a rather dim outlook.  “Even as more Americans say the economy is improving, a clear majority remain fearful about their children’s financial prospects,” it continues. The

Former Muslim: Islamists Emboldened by PC Culture

Adan Salazar | Infowars, ‘The Islamists want one thing and that is a Sharia compliant society’ Bending over backwards to appease followers of Islam only serves to embolden radical Islamists, a former Muslim said on Tucker Carlson Tonight following a terror attack in London Wednesday. Women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali explained Islamists aren’t concerned

Jeff Sessions’ Terrible Truth About Drugs Is a Lie

Jacob Sullum, “Our nation needs to say clearly once again that using drugs will destroy your life,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared last week. The main problem with that message: It isn’t true. Yes, using drugs, both legal and illegal ones, can destroy your life, but typically it doesn’t. By arguing that drug education should