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Now We Have More Proof (Crack Head) Nancy Pelosi is Not Fit For Office

Pelosi Experiences Spasmatic Brain Shutdown on Camera… House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s news conferences are a lot like the movie “Road House.” Both produce a lot of laughs. Neither do so intentionally. Whether its confusion, discombobulation, weird facial tics or the inability to remember simple things, it’s obvious that the former House speaker has become

The True Conservatives Hype A Trumpocalypse In A Desperate Bid For Attention

Kurt Schlichter, The latest Never Trump meme is that Donald Trump has defected to the Democrats, a notion that might charitably be labeled “wishful thinking” if it actually involved any thinking. But the “wishful” part is in full effect as this tattered remnant of worshippers at the altar of Establishment Conservatism seeks to revive their

If at First You Don’t Succeed, Get Back on the ‘Repeal and Replace’ Horse

Veronique de Rugy, After last week’s Obamacare repeal-and-replace bill debacle, President Donald Trump and the House Republican leadership seemed ready to throw in the towel and give up on health care reform. Thankfully, a few days later, House Speaker Paul Ryan announced that Republicans are “not going to just all of a sudden abandon health

At What Age Do Millennials Consider Themselves Adults? The Answer Will Stun You.

Aaron Bandler, A new report has found that millennials don’t consider themselves adults until they reach the age of 30. Yes, you read that correctly. According to The Wrap, research compiled by David Poltrack, the chief research officer at CBS and their ratings expert, as well as Nielsen Catalina Solutions found that millennials consider themselves adults at

Will we be adults or children? The ugly truth about America’s spending

Richard Manning, You can already hear the howling.  Oh the humanity, Trump is killing Big Bird. The world is in danger of climate destruction, Trump is ending payments to the Green Climate Fund that pays off foreign governments to support radical environmental proposals under the false flag of global warming. The world is on the