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Americans, Property Rights and the Supreme Court

Ken Blackwell, Kelo v. City of New London stands as the apogee of Supreme Court cases regarding property rights, especially for conservatives. A narrow 5-4 decision recklessly expanded the scope of eminent domain, allowing private developers and the government to collude and forcibly take private property away from citizens for “public use” under the Takings

5 Ways the American Revolution Was Different From Other Revolutions

Larry Schweikart, This column was co-authored by Dave Dougherty. Often, the Revolutionary War is compared to all the other bloody revolutions of the 19th century. Contrary to popular belief, the American colonists were after more than just revenge, wealth, or fame. They were after the protection of their homeland and inborn rights that their country

Left Condemns Anti-Sharia Protests, But Not Islamic Terrorism

Jamie White | Infowars, SJWs choose political correctness over defending oppressed women. Leftist groups and the media are swiftly demonizing Saturday’s nationwide anti-Sharia protests as “hate speech” and “bigotry.” The nationwide demonstration that took place in 28 cities, called “March Against Sharia – March for Human Rights,” is organized by ACT for America, a Virginia-based nonprofit