The festive season is now truly upon us and we want to make sure you make the most of the holiday time, we are kicking off our series of useful holiday posts to help you make your blogs as popular as possible with a guest post from Bradley Taylor.
Bradley is a freelance writer from Derby, England who knows a few things about getting your blog to stand out. Bradley writes across a variety of subjects and enjoys writing about everything automotive. You can find him on Twitter and connect with him on Google+ for more info and to read his other top writing tips.
Whether you run a few small blogs of your own or you engage in creative content marketing, selecting the best possible titles over the festive season could have a significant impact on the amount of attention they receive. There are millions of different blogs online, and even if you have a dedicated readership, the chances are they’ll overlook anything that doesn’t seem initially eye catching.
Knowing how to come up with the best titles and the most appealing content is an art form, but that certainly doesn’t mean the techniques can’t be taught and learnt with the implementation of a few basic rules. Below, are my top suggestions to help you get writing desirable blog posts in no time.
1. Be Comical
We all love a good joke or pun, right? Well then, no matter which subject you’re writing about, doing some research online and coming up with a couple of funny lines can be a great way of catching the attention of your readers and increasing your views.
2. Be Thought Provoking
Another good way of keeping people gripped is to include thought provoking text within your first paragraph. This could mean asking a question or making a statement that encourages your readers to interact (even if only mentally).
3. Keep To The Topic
All writers will know how easy it can be to stray from the matter at hand, but this really isn’t ideal when writing short posts for a wide readership. So, whether you’re creating a car related post detailing the latest models or talking about dating advice, it’s vital you stick to the facts and avoid including irrelevant information.
4. Use Suitable Images
As there are many websites online that offer royalty free images in exchange for a credit to the author, you’d be mad not to include them in your blog posts. For whatever reason, human beings are drawn to photographs and other images much more often than they are to text.
5. Include Statistics & Proven Facts
When writing a blog post, most people will have some kind of agenda, beit advertising or awareness. This is why including statistics and proven facts can be very useful, as they can be used to back up any arguments you might make.
6. Close With Style
It’s very easy to write the main body of text and forget about how significant your closing paragraph really is. This is the place in your post where a roundup of all the information should be present, so avoid simply ending abruptly and spend some time thinking about the best way to reinforce your argument one last time.
7. Check Out The Competition
As I mentioned earlier, there are millions of blogs online, which means you’re able to perform some serious market research into your competitors without drawing attention to yourself. This should be done regularly and if you ever get stuck for title ideas. Obviously you don’t want to copy anyone else’s work, but getting inspiration from it is completely acceptable.
So as we reach the end of this post, I hope that you’ll be in a much better position to ensure all the posts you write this Holiday season will be as informative and engaging as they possibly can be. At the end of the day, we all want to gain as many readers as possible and it can be a little disheartening when failure rears its ugly head, but perseverance is the key, and I have complete faith in you!
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