Archives for

Right Scoop

Think The DOJ Was Corrupt With Hillary? Here’s The Proof.

Aaron Bandler, It was apparent from the beginning of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails that she would never face justice for her actions because the Department of Justice (DOJ) would not prosecute her due to the corrupt nature of the agency. A look at the political donations of DOJ employees reveals just how entrenched the bias for

New Conservative TV Network: Levin, Malkin, Steyn to Headline

A new conservative network has just been announced: Conservative Review TV. Conservative icons Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin and Mark Steyn will highlight CRTV, which is scheduled to launch in December. Levin’s popular online program LevinTV will be among the shows offered by the new network.  Malkin’s program will be called Michelle Malkin Investigates, in which the syndicated columnist will

Mark Levin: The œStop Trump effort must not extend to the general election #Trump2016

Allahpundit, Via Breitbart and the Right Scoop, you can grumble about this if you’re #NeverTrump but we all understand, I think, that the vast, vast majority of the party will come around to his position by November, right? Don’t get me wrong, stalwart anti-Trumpers may have the numbers to fatally damage Trump’s chances even

Former McCain staff: If Rand Paul is the 2016 nominee…

Republicans concerned with national security will have to support Hillary. Allahpundit, I’m two weeks late on this and wouldn’t have noticed it at all had the key bit not been quoted in this weekend’s NYT op-ed on the (potential) great Hillary/neoconservative alliance. But it should be noticed. The shortcomings of President Obama as a statesman

McCain: One would be hard-pressed to find a leader with Secretary Clinton’s informed perspective

The Right Scoop  McCain is such a tool. I’ll be so glad when Arizona finally kicks his butt out of the Senate: WAPO – Since leaving the State Department last year, Hillary Rodham Clinton has racked up scores of accolades and appeared on many a big stage. Still, it might come as a surprise that a

The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet and More

By : John Hawkins Even though Right Wing News is an opinion site these days, I do still surf the web for news and to find material to write about. Some websites I read for columnists, others I peruse to see what particular bloggers have to say, but when I’m looking for news, here are