Republican Chris Christie is facing pressure to step up the pace in forming a likely presidential campaign and to slow the defection of financial donors to rivals like Jeb Bush in order to keep alive his 2016 White House dream. The New Jersey governor’s struggle to cope with problems at home and his slow start […] Continue reading →
Noah Rothman, The revelations out of David Axelrod’s forthcoming memoirs just keep coming. Earlier on Wednesday, we learned that President Barack Obama took offense at the fact that Mitt Romney had complimented him on his ability to turn out voters in urban areas in 2012. We also learned that the president thought about consigning his […] Continue reading →
Jazz Shaw, I’m generally not one for New Years resolutions. They don’t tend to stick as well as things I decide to do over a period of time and launch into when it makes sense rather than on some magical, preordained date on the calendar. But given how much trouble some of our politicians – […] Continue reading →
She is the leading global voice championing the empowerment of girls and women, but of the eight Democratic women Hillary Clinton stumped for in the 2014 midterm cycle, only one was declared a winner. She is the prospective frontrunner for her party’s presidential nomination in 2016, but of the 26 Democrats Clinton campaigned for in […] Continue reading →
Cortney O’Brien, This started as a top ten list. Let’s face it, with President Obama’s awful approval ratings and the unfortunate consequences of Obamacare felt like a sting around the country, Democrats were already vulnerable in this year’s midterm elections. These gaffes certainly won’t help. Let’s take a look at some of the worst mistakes Dems have […] Continue reading →
Turkey blocked access to Twitter Inc. (TWTR) nine days before local elections, as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan acted on his vow to shut down leaks targeting his government amid a corruption probe. The move was criticized both within Turkey and overseas, as users accessed Twitter via proxies and other work-arounds. President Abdullah Gul was […] Continue reading →
Two extraordinary interviews yesterday, each of which suggests the gathering storm for the party of Obama-Clinton. The first, with Politico’s Maggie Haberman, focused on Hillary’s “record” as Secretary of State. The transcript is here. The second, with Chicago Tribune columnist and MSNBC panelist Clarence Page, also tried to elicit from a supporter of Hillary any […] Continue reading →
Two extraordinary interviews yesterday, each of which suggests the gathering storm for the party of Obama-Clinton. The first, with Politico’s Maggie Haberman, focused on Hillary’s “record” as Secretary of State. The transcript is here. The second, with Chicago Tribune columnist and MSNBC panelist Clarence Page, also tried to elicit from a supporter of Hillary any […] Continue reading →
Voting American The United States Constitution -vs- Barack Obama The man started his presidency off with a bang by botching his oath of office. For good measure, he set the tone for his administration for allowing Chief Justice John Roberts to take the blame for the error. Obama promises on the campaign trail to immediately shut down Guantanamo Bay. The detention […] Continue reading →
President Obama has made it clear over the years that he’s not a big fan of Congress. Being a hardline, far left partisan, friends on the other side of the aisle haven’t been easy to come by, until now. Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, who lost to Obama in 2008, is stepping up to […] Continue reading →
Jackie Gingrich Cushman: Donald Trump’s tweet Tuesday of this week puts it all in perspective, “@realDonaldTrump: With Spitzer & Anthony Weiner running for office, New York is pervert central! Pathetic.” Why are the dually disgraced Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner running for office after engaging in public peccadilloes that would have doubtless persuaded many a […] Continue reading →
By the time of Thursday night’s debate between Vice President Biden and Congressman Ryan, the polls will reflect the early consequences of President Obama’s disastrous debate performance from Wednesday night. Mitt Romney had a superb night and the contrast between his calm and in-command performance and that of a flailing, rambling president could not have […] Continue reading →
During his 2008 campaign for president, Barack Obama transmitted signals that he understood the GMO issue. Several key anti-GMO activists were impressed. They thought Obama, once in the White House, would listen to their concerns and act on them. These activists weren�t just reading tea leaves. On the campaign trail, Obama said: �Let folks know […] Continue reading →
Four years ago, Barack Obama had little trouble drawing large crowds on the campaign trail. When he accepted the nomination in 2008, he did so in Denver, Colorado in front of 84,000 people. They had no problem filling the stadium as so many people bought into his promise of change. That�s not the case with […] Continue reading →