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Obama Faces Big Choice After 2014 Debacle

Conn Carroll,  “I am not on the ballot this fall,” President Obama said while campaigning in Chicago this October. “But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.” Obama was right. His policies were on the ballot Tuesday night. And they were soundly defeated.  As of this writing, Republican have […] Continue reading →

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Left Speechless After Getting Caught in Massive Lie on TV

 Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz embarrassed herself on national TV this week. She was repeatedly asked, and given plenty of opportunities to respond, about President Barack Obama’s campaign schedule. The chair of the Democratic Party was asked why former President Bill Clinton has been seen on the campaign trail so much more than […] Continue reading →

Coy Hillary Tells It Like It Isn’t

Hillary Clinton’s public pretense about her presidential campaign took another step forward today. Here’s how Bloomberg News relayed it: Sept. 5 (Bloomberg) — Hillary Clinton said she’ll decide “after the first of the year” whether to run again for the presidency of the U.S. “I have a very clear vision with an agenda of what […] Continue reading →

So, It Looks Like Warren Isn’t Running For President

At Netroots, RedState’s Dan Spencer and I looked on as Democratic Senator from Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren rallied the troops with her pugnacious brand of liberal populism.  “She scares me,” said Spencer as we left the main ballroom, noting her unabashedly progressive leanings. What scares me about Warren, besides her positions on policy, is how […] Continue reading →

Ann Coulter: Eyes on the prize

 When a U.S. president is using the IRS to terrify his political enemies, destroying American health care, and opening our southern border to millions of future welfare-collecting, Democratic voters from the Third World, why is a dime’s worth of money being wasted on trying to replace the Republican senator from Mississippi with a slightly different […] Continue reading →

Is the First lady Michelle Obama running for the Senate?

 First Lady Michelle Obama is everywhere. She’s traveling to China. She’s raising money for Democrats. She’s issuing plaintive tweets seeking the rescue of the kidnapped Nigerian girls. She’s wading uncharacteristically deep into the Washington political mud pit to defend her school lunch program against Republicans, assailing them last Tuesday for opting to “play politics with […] Continue reading →