Archives for 

national debt

Government Spending Is Ruining Families

Gov Janice Shaw Crouse The economic picture in the United States gets worse with each passing day of the Obama administration, and families are especially hard-hit.  While the damage is already devastating, the ramifications will continue wreaking havoc on today’s children when they are adults starting their own families. Comedians refer back to President Obama’s 2008 […]

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Immigration, Race, and Social Conflict

Steve McCann Many are beating the drums for legalizing untold millions of undocumented immigrants in a nation facing not only the worst long-term economic conditions since the Great Depression but a society rapidly coming apart at the seams.  Both party establishments, the mainstream media, and the hierarchies of major corporations are behind this push. Temporarily […]

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The Brokest Nation

Remember how alarmed we were toward the end of 2008, when we realized that Congress for the first time in history was going to run a deficit of a trillion dollars? Congress had never run a deficit even half that size, and some speculated that the deficit for fiscal 2009 could even approach $2T. Luckily, […]

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Democrat Fairy Tales and the End of Camelot

The Democrat’s convention was one fairy tale after another designed to inspire the newly self-anointed party of the middle class. The Democrats offered speaker after speaker of nothing more than immoral embellishments and artful praise for Barack Obama and the failing Democrat ideology. I was almost entranced by Bill Clinton’s incantations, but somehow I was […]

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