by Gary DeMar An AP history textbook has rewritten the Second Amendment. Here’s the Constitution’s wording: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Here’s the AP history textbook’s reworking of the text: “Second Amendment: The […]
Free North Carolina Five. That’s all the vote-switchers that anti-gunners had to muster in the Missouri Senate to kill a nullification bill BY ONE VOTE. Gun Owners of America had pushed the bill back in the spring when it was overwhelmingly passed by the House and Senate. Sadly, it was vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon […]
That’s a question the Obama administration wants the Supreme Court to answer in the affirmative. Washington Post: If the police arrest you, do they need a warrant to rifle through your cellphone? Courts have been split on the question. Last week the Obama administration asked the Supreme Court to resolve the issue and rule that […]
Voting American The United States Constitution -vs- Barack Obama The man started his presidency off with a bang by botching his oath of office. For good measure, he set the tone for his administration for allowing Chief Justice John Roberts to take the blame for the error. Obama promises on the campaign trail to immediately shut down Guantanamo Bay. The detention […]
Thomas Lifson Today marks the publication of Mark Levin’s important new book, The Liberty Amendments. I must confess that I had some trepidation when starting to read it, for as the editor of American Thinker I turn down most submissions that propose amending the Constitution as a solution for what ails us. The reason […]
Anthony Gucciardi Has the very notion that we still have the Constitution and Bill of Rights as a legal basis now laughable? Media reports have begun addressing our society as ‘post-constitutional America’, and perhaps they’re tragically correct. In the entire history of the nation, and in what should include today, the Constitution has stood as […]
by Dave Jolly Many Americans have been outraged to learn that the National Security Agency has been spying on their phone calls, email and internet use. Eric Snowden literally sacrificed his life, as he knew it, to let Americans know the extent of the government spying. His information was proven correct when a family found […]
Jonathon Moseley Destroying the Second Amendment and the people’s right of self-defense was the real goal of the George Zimmerman prosecution. Liberals hoped to scare gun owners, regardless of the eventual verdict. Traumatizing and intimidating people from using a firearm to defend themselves were what this case was really about. This prosecution was an attempt […]
After The Guardian outed the NSA and its unprecedented violations of the Fourth Amendment, members of Congress took to the limelight to defend the government’s tyrannical behavior. San Francisco Democrat Dianne Feinstein led the pack. She said the massive intrusion into the private affairs of Americans minus court-issued warrants is on par with the […]