Archives for 

syrian chemical weapons

The “consequences” of Obama’s failure in Syria

CNN lists the details of the wonderful new U.S.-Russian “deal” over Syrian chemical weapons, which mostly consists of Russia tossing a couple of sound-bite bones to the hapless Obama Administration while securing Bashar Assad in power and locking down Russia’s new dominance in the Middle East: The four-page “Framework for Elimination of Syrian Chemical Weapons” […]

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Obama Says U.S. Prepared to Strike Iran

Tomahawk-cruise-missile  President Obama declared that the United States is still prepared to act militarily to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons despite the decision to pursue a diplomatic deal and not strike Syria over its alleged use of chemical weapons. He also acknowledged that his approach to the Syria crisis has been uneven, but defended it […]

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McCain, Graham blast Syrian chemical weapons deal

Two Republican senators who are among President Barack Obama’s sharpest foreign policy critics on Saturday blasted a Syrian chemical weapons agreement as “an act of provocative weakness” by America that will embolden enemies such as Iran as it continues its push for a nuclear weapon. The House Democratic leader said the deal, under which Syria […]

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