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U.S. agency recommends shorter prison sentences for drug offenders

 Up to 70 percent of all federal drug offenses could carry shorter prison sentences if the recommendation passed on Thursday by an agency that advises U.S. federal judges on sentencing is not opposed by Congress. The U.S. Sentencing Commission’s recommendation reflects a policy supported by the Obama administration to bring punishments for low-level drug offenders […] Continue reading →

Know thy enemy and behave accordingly

Ethel C. As Pogo might have said,  “We have met the enemy and it is us.” According to Roger Simon the real enemy of conservatives of many stripes is Hillary Rodham Clinton. However they just don’t know it, concentrating, understandably on President Barack Obama (D) for the short term.  Even more dangerously, in […] Continue reading →

Sorry Big Pharma: 8 Drugs Doctors Won�t Take

Every doctor knows that there are two types of top-selling medications: Those that are popular because they are effective and those that sell well because of big drug company marketing campaigns. It is this second kind of medication that doctors avoid taking themselves. “These drugs can kill more people than they help,” Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., […] Continue reading →