WASHINGTON — Rep. Peter Roskam is now chairman of the Ways and Means subcommittee whose jurisdiction includes oversight of the Internal Revenue Service, and hence of Lois Lerner’s legacy. He knows how interesting her career was before she, as head of the IRS exempt-organizations division, directed the suppression of conservative advocacy groups by delaying and […] Continue reading →
Matt Vespa, As 2014 comes to a close, what were the biggest liberal lies of the year? Luckily, our friends at the Media Research Center compiled the top five lies made by liberals this year that range from the missing Lois Lerner emails to not knowing who Jonathan Gruber is, or what he did regarding […] Continue reading →
Mary Katharine Ham, Upon the infamous Lois Lerner opening up about her, ahem, persecution to Politico, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa had this to say: “The American people deserve the opportunity to hear Lois Lerner’s testimony under oath,” said Chairman Issa. “If Lerner had nothing to hide and did nothing wrong […] Continue reading →
Mary Katharine Ham, It was Friday, so IRS Commissioner John Koskinen admitted to Congressional investigators that the agency that forces all of us to keep records for seven years lest they attempt to audit or imprison us has lost the e-mails of five more of its employees connected to the IRS scandal. The culprit? Computer and hard […] Continue reading →
Michael Krieger | Liberty Blitzkrieg The IRS. There are few agencies more hated, corrupt, and degraded in the entire nation, and that’s saying a lot. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of years, you are well aware of the fact that the IRS was caught consistently abusing its extraordinary power […] Continue reading →
A few of former top “I-plead-the-fifth” IRS official Lois Lerner’s emails have surfaced, and MAN, does she sound bitchy- Not PMS bitchy. More like “uppity country club soccer mom with a side of Häagen-Dazs watching pre-recorded soap operas on the couch and thinking about ways to politically screw people over for kicks” bitchy. Read them for […] Continue reading →
Guy Benson Lois Lerner — faithful, impartial public servant: That screen grab (below) comes from an email exchange between retired IRS official Lois Lerner and a colleague just after the 2012 election. Ms. Lerner describes overhearing some women discussing the state of the nation in dire terms, prompting her correspondent to blast “whacko” and “scary” right-wing […] Continue reading →
Katie Pavlich Yesterday IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified on Capitol Hill after news surfaced Lois Lerner’s hard drive was scratched and that data Koskinen said was lost, may not be lost at all. Considering how difficult it is to access an internal hard drive on a computer, scratching is very suspicious. Republicans on the House […] Continue reading →
President Barack Obama’s administration is currently dealing with so many crises that it is hard sometimes to keep them all straight. As the escalation of the border crisis, Israel’s military action in the Gaza Strip, and the downing of a Malaysian Air jet by pro-Russian separatists in the Ukraine capture the headlines, stories like Benghazi, […] Continue reading →
The freak wave of hard-drive crashes afflicting the Obama Administration – and nobody else on Earth – continues. By an amazing coincidence, the new story is about an old colleague of IRS scandal kingpin Lois Lerner at the Federal Election Commission, who in an even more amazing coincidence was also under investigation for partisan political activity. The Daily Caller brings us […] Continue reading →
We’ve all been there, right? You’re working at a big, busy office. Someone else’s mail gets dropped on your desk by accident. They don’t belong to your political Party, so naturally you target them for an IRS audit. It could happen to any of us. At any rate, it did happen to Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), […] Continue reading →
There was a contentious hearing Monday night in the House Government Reform Committee, as new IRS Commissioner John Koskinen was called to testify about Lois Lerner’s “lost” emails. This hearing was just days after Koskinen was reamed by Rep. Paul Ryan, who told him “ Continue reading →
by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton In what can only be seen as a brazen, arrogant defiance of the law, the IRS not only claims the dog ate their emails, they’re not sorry to boot and screw America for even doubting the all-powerful, jack-booted enforcement arm of the Obama regime. Some of the lamest lies I have ever […] Continue reading →
WARNER TODD HUSTON | Breitbart The IRS had hired an email backup company to prevent just such a loss of data As IRS commissioner John Koskinen sat on Capitol Hill belatedly informing a Congressional committee of the “disappearance” of years of email communications from a host of IRS employees under investigation–including Lois Lerner–it was discovered that the […] Continue reading →
John Hayward I’m tempted to say this is a watershed moment in the IRS saga, but two things hold me back: (1) the media isn’t likely to portray it that way, and (2) it’s all part of a generally successful effort to slow-walk the scandal until it dies… much like the politicized Tax Exempt Organizations […] Continue reading →
Congressional investigators are fuming over revelations that the Internal Revenue Service has lost a trove of emails to and from a central figure in the agency’s tea party controversy. The IRS said Lois Lerner’s computer crashed in 2011, wiping out an untold number of emails that were being sought by congressional investigators. The investigators want […] Continue reading →