by Henry Shivley, Premier Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side of Chicago back alley two bit socialist pimp, posing as President of the United States, fell under pretend mainstream propaganda scrutiny last week after announcing that he would assume dictatorial powers and that he would write words on… [Read More]
Barack Obama - A Truly Great Phony
Thomas Sowell Many years ago, I was a member of a committee that was recommending to whom grant money should be awarded. Since I knew one of the applicants, I asked if this meant that I should recuse myself from voting on his application. “No,” the chairman said. “I know him too — and he… [Read More]
MLK Would Be Embarrassed By BHO
By : Doug Patton I was fifteen in 1963, and I vaguely remember breaking my summer routine to notice that the largest crowd of Americans ever to congregate on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., had gathered to demand their civil rights. They were led by a 34-year-old black preacher from Georgia. Dr. Martin Luther… [Read More]
Four Lincoln Quotes Progressives Always Get Wrong
Jason Stevens 1. Education is “the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.”To the People of Sangamo County: Political Announcement. March 9, 1832. Our first offender is former Democratic New York governor Mario M. Cuomo, who asserted in Why Lincoln Matters: Today More Than Ever that if Lincoln were president… [Read More]
Presidential Meeting Signals Catastrophic Event
Mac “There Is a Crisis Unfolding Somewhere in the Background” If there’s one thing we know about how the US government operates, it’s that the American people are often the last to know about serious problems that may be taking place behind the scenes. This week, in a move that has spooked a lot of economic… [Read More]
Thomas Sowell: The Zimmerman Trial - Is This Still America?
There are no winners in the trial of George Zimmerman. The only question is whether the damage that has been done has been transient or irreparable. Legally speaking, Zimmerman has won his freedom. But he can still be sued in a civil case, and he will probably never be safe to live his life in… [Read More]
Florida Poll: Obama: 47, Romney: 46
According to the New York Times� Nate Silver, if Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wants to serve as the next President of the United States (and send Barack Obama back to Chicago) he simply cannot afford to lose Florida in November. And I�m inclined to agree with him. Indeed, earlier this month, Silver conducted a… [Read More]
Do Democrats Own The Terms 'Racism" and "Lying"?
Democrats have run a number on Republicans. They have skillfully captured certain words in the American lexicon and redefined them, applying Democrat-themed meanings for the specific purpose of cowing Republicans into silence and submission. I have watched the escalation of this vocabulary abuse for almost a decade, and I am sorry to say, this particular… [Read More]
RNC Ad: "By His Own Admission"
This sort of attack ad became one-thousand percent inevitable the moment the president articulated his change of heart on, well, change: Meanwhile, The One’s doing damage control, attacking Romney for the “inside job” he’s proposing, or something: “For some reason, my opponent got really excited,” Obama said. “He rewrote his speech, proudly declared ‘I’ll get… [Read More]