The House Benghazi Select Committee recently held their second public hearing on the 2012 terrorist attack in Libya that claimed the lives of four Americans.
This hearing went much like the first hearing.
Little new information was gained due to obvious stonewalling efforts on the part of State Department employees testifying before the Committee, according to WND.
Representative Jim Jordan repeatedly asked the State Department’s Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Greg Starr the one major question that has never been answered, why were U.S. personnel and assets in Benghazi?
Starr repeatedly dodged the question and continually referred Jordan to the State Department’s Accountability Review Board (ARB) report, an inherently flawed investigation of the State Department by the State Department, in which they neglected to interview or even look at then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, or her close aide and assistant Cheryl Mills.
When it became obvious that Starr would not answer the question about why we were in Benghazi, Jordan began asking if the recommendations put forward by the ARB report had been met, such as creating an undersecretary position focused solely on the security situations of diplomatic facilities around the world.
Starr replied, “A decision was made not to do it.”
Jordan summed up his time by stating, clearly exasperated, that Starr had refused to answer two major questions: Why the special post concerning diplomatic security hadn’t been created, and why we were even in Benghazi to begin with?
Chairman Trey Gowdy later picked up where Jordan had left off, noting that Starr was obviously not the right person to ask about why we were in Benghazi, but seeking an answer from him as to who would be the best person to ask about such matters.
“It may well be the that the reason for us to be there superseded all of those episodes of violence, but how can a committee of Congress know that, if no one tells us why we were there? So, you’re not the right person to ask. Who would you ask, if you were us?”
Starr pointed Gowdy to the current Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs, Anne Patterson, who was the Ambassador to Egypt at the time of the attack.
The hearing then turned back to why security requests were denied, along with further discussion about why the ARB report recommendations had yet to be implemented.
Gregory Starr may or may not know exactly why U.S. personnel were in Benghazi, but somebody at the State Department does know for sure.
Gowdy will eventually ask the right person under oath, and the suspected truth will finally be confirmed.
In all likelihood, U.S. personnel and assets were in the dangerous city of Benghazi because they were involved in a covert arms trading scheme.
During President Obama’s extraconstitutional war against Libya’s Qaddafi, the Al-Qaeda affiliated Islamist rebels were flooded with various arms to use against the regime, provided in part by the United States.
After Qaddafi had been deposed, the State Department and CIA were quietly trying to round up some of the weaponry provided to the Libyan rebel groups, which were then intended to be shipped to the Syrian rebels fighting the Assad regime, by way of Turkey.
Many of these arms eventually found their way into the hands of the Islamic State terror army.
State Department and CIA witnesses will undoubtedly all be somewhat reluctant to admit that covert arms smuggling is the reason we were in Benghazi in the first place, or that rebel resistance to our collection of weapons is what brought about the attacks on the diplomatic compound, as well as the CIA annex, located in Benghazi.
Hopefully, Gowdy will eventually come across a witness who is willing to expose the truth for what it really is, and the entire house of cards covering up of Benghazi will come crashing down around the Obama administration, revealing those who bear responsibility and who need to be held accountable.