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Luke Hamilton

The Motivational Doctrine of Discomfort

By, Luke Hamilton  In a sad turn of events, former-Congressman Anthony Weiner and his wife are reportedly looking to down-size their living arrangements. They are planning to leave their $12,000/month Park Ave. apartment and have recently viewed a more frugal living space. According to the Washington Times, the new apartment they are considering rents for […] Continue reading →

Why Chris Christie�s Problem is a Problem for American Conservatives

By, Luke Hamilton, “The past two Presidential contests have produced such milksop Republican candidates because the primaries have been hopscotch practice instead of 10 rounds of sparring before the big fight. Sure, they got occasionally contentious, but the fact that the man who created Romneycare emerged to challenge the man who created Obamacare demonstrates that […] Continue reading →

It is Time to Privatize Christmas

By, Luke Hamilton, Why do we fight to foist Christmas on a public which grows more disinterested each year? Do we seek our own Miracle on 34th Street, where a legal loophole preserves the right to acknowledge the supposedly-imaginary as real? What is the objective of this campaign which gets trotted out, year after year? […] Continue reading →

A Cut-Rate President�s War on Bad Apples

By, Luke Hamilton,  Is that really the best they can do? After weeks of taking body blow after body blow, the Obama Administration settled on some new talking points which they feel will deflect the rising tide of hostility directed their way by millions of outraged Americans, dealing with cancelled insurance policies and rising premiums. […] Continue reading →

2013 Nobel Peace Prize Nominees

By, Luke Hamilton This week, all eyes were turned to Oslo where the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize recipient was announced Friday.    Surprisingly, I was not issued a press pass this year and so like you, I was forced to wait with bated breath to find out which visionary would be ushered into the pantheon […] Continue reading →