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The Poison of Postmodern Lying

Victor Davis Hanson,   All presidents at one time have fudged on the truth. Most politicians pad their resumes and airbrush away their sins. But what is new about political lying is the present notion that lies are not necessarily lies anymore — a reflection of the relativism that infects our entire culture. Postmodernism (the cultural […] Continue reading →

A Halloween Treat, Without the Sugar Coating

Jackie Gingrich Cushman Last night, my husband Jimmy and I were talking about how fast time, at least as it pertains to our children, has flown. Our 14-year-old daughter, Maggie, is planning her first Halloween trick-or-treating adventure away from home and out with friends. She spent her first Halloween dressed as a pumpkin when she […] Continue reading →

What the Zimmerman Prosecution Did Not Do (and Why)

Jason Kissner Post-verdict analysis and commentary on the Zimmerman trial has run the gamut from predictably, ostentatiously, and dangerously clownish to the genuinely insightful.  Given such a broad range, it is most curious indeed that while there has been a surfeit of reflection on what the prosecution did charge, there has been none with respect […] Continue reading →

Fireworks, Firearms and Freedom

Michael Schaus: The 4th of July is always a moment of reflection for me. In much the same way a devout Christian examines his faith at pivotal moments in the Julian calendar, I retouch the things that make America unique in my mind. For me, the essence of America is simplified in three words: Fireworks, […] Continue reading →