New Revelations Are Breaking Every Day ‘Washington’s Blog Revelations about the breathtaking scope of government spying are coming so fast that it’s time for an updated roundup: - Just weeks after NSA boss Alexander said that a review of NSA spying found not even one violation, the Washington Post published an internal NSA audit showing that the… [Read More]
Last week, our Fundamental Transformer in Chief said America’s economy is still struggling because Washington hasn’t been cuddling it enough. It seems Washington has been distracted by a string of “phony scandals.” “Phony scandals”?! At long last, has this con artist no shame? Have the professional watchdogs of the press no pride? How does he… [Read More]
As scandals mount, White House springs into damage control
With no sign of an end to three mushrooming scandals, the White House acknowledged the rising political dangers on Wednesday by launching a concerted effort at damage control. In a whirlwind few hours, the administration moved forcefully to counter criticism of its handling of the deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya, the seizure of reporters’ phone… [Read More]
Positive Hamlin gets good vibe with Dover pole
DOVER, Del. — So eager to change his karma, reclaim his Zen and thrive in the NASCAR championship cosmos, driver Denny Hamlin recently spoke with a sports psychologist to — among other things — help him achieve an attitude adjustment when it comes to race tracks where he traditionally has struggled. And judging by his… [Read More]
RNC Ad: "By His Own Admission"
This sort of attack ad became one-thousand percent inevitable the moment the president articulated his change of heart on, well, change: Meanwhile, The One’s doing damage control, attacking Romney for the “inside job” he’s proposing, or something: “For some reason, my opponent got really excited,” Obama said. “He rewrote his speech, proudly declared ‘I’ll get… [Read More]
More to this Feud Than Personalities
How bad have things gotten between Israel and the United States? Yesterday�s nasty exchange between the two countries in which President Obama turned down a request for a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu showed that the problem has now escalated from a simmering, longstanding argument about the peace process to a full-blown feud. The… [Read More]
Scott Walker: Obama�s broken promises
The reviews of Rep. Paul Ryan�s acceptance speech for the Republican vice presidential nomination are in, and it�s being cited as a success. Is there any wonder that the Obama campaign staffers and surrogates are in full-blown damage control mode, screaming that Paul was unfair in some of his criticisms of President Barack Obama? You�ve… [Read More]