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Kansas City

Target admits credit card data breach

Target is grappling with a data security nightmare that threatens to drive off holiday shoppers during the company’s busiest time of year. The nation’s second largest discounter said Thursday that data connected to about 40 million credit and debit card accounts was stolen as part of a breach that began over the Thanksgiving weekend. The […] Continue reading →

Army Halts Program That Labeled Christians Radical Extremists

Briefings characterized conservatives as terror threat The Secretary of the Army has halted training programs that characterize conservatives as radical extremists in light of numerous media reports which highlighted how recruits were being taught that Christians were to be considered “domestic hate groups.” Image: Wikimedia Commons “On several occasions over the past few months, media […] Continue reading →

Immigration Reform versus Unemployed America

Jon N. Hall With millions of Americans un- or underemployed, it’s difficult to see how any political party that’s looking out for the folks would want to import more people. America doesn’t seem to be able to provide jobs for the people already here. Yet, importing more people to compete for jobs in a stagnant […] Continue reading →