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NATO Leader: Syria Not To Be Trusted

Says “it’s evident that Syrian regime is responsible” for chemical weapons attack As Syria edges closer to reaching a compromise over securing and destroying their nuclear arsenal, NATO leader Anders Fogh Rasmussen is warning the U.S. and its allies to be weary of Assad’s acquiescence, thereby urging the U.S. to keep the prospect of military […] Continue reading →

GUN OWNERS: Don�t Let Obama Sign UN Arms Trade Treaty

Katie Kieffer Your guns are in danger. Obama has stopped defending the Second Amendment. He did not get his gun control agenda passed in the Senate. So, he’s unconstitutionally trying to use the United Nations to control your guns. Don’t let him. Obama is getting dangerously close to signing the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. […] Continue reading →

Trayvon Protests Organized by Communist Who Praised Stalin & Mao

Revolutionary Communist Party has “coordinated Trayvon Martin protests throughout the country” Many of the Trayvon Martin protests that are still taking place in major cities across the United States were organized by the Revolutionary Communist Party which is chaired by a Marxist who praised mass killers Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao. Image: Wikimedia Commons In […] Continue reading →