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David Limbaugh

We must reject liberalism�s economic death sentence on America

David Limbaugh  There seems to be a common characteristic among those who follow the liberal orthodoxy, especially those in the old media. Their ideology and rabid partisanship prevent them from acknowledging, much less correcting, policy failures. My brother, Rush, expounds the “Limbaugh theorem,” which holds that President Obama studiously avoids accountability for his disastrous agenda […] Continue reading →

Socialism, not access to care, is Obama�s prize

David Limbaugh,  Each passing day is more incriminating for President Obama’s Obamacare, as the news is like a relentless prosecutor amassing evidence against a serial killer. Yet the more evidence that rolls in condemning the president’s “signature achievement” — wouldn’t you love to have that albatross hung around your epitaph? — the more entrenched Obama […] Continue reading →

America: At what point do people scream �Enough�?

 By: David Limbaugh,  President Obama must believe he’s politically untouchable at this point, given his seeming indifference to the multitude of scandals, failures and other outrages for which he is directly responsible. I intended to write this column solely on the devastating Congressional Budget Office report putting the final nail in the Obamacare coffin — […] Continue reading →

A culture that celebrates abortion wills its own destruction

David Limbaugh,  At a time when more and more Americans are coming to an awareness of how evil abortion is, President Barack Obama, the most fiercely pro-abortionist president in our history, is digging his heels in further. This week, he made his annual statement glorifying this hideous practice on the anniversary of the infernal 1973 […] Continue reading →

Soldier Who Read Conservative Books Now Faces Charges

A member of the U.S. Army Band who said he was reprimanded for having anti-Obama bumper stickers on his personal car, serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at a party and reading books written by conservative authors is now facing Article 15 charges – which cropped up shortly after he went public with his complaints. Master Sgt. Nathan […] Continue reading →

Conservative Christian Soldier Told Not to Read Levin or Hannity in Uniform

A veteran member of the U.S. Army Band said he is facing retribution and punishment from the military for having anti-Obama bumper stickers on his car, reading books written by conservative authors like Mark Levin and David Limbaugh, and serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at his promotion party. Master Sgt. Nathan Sommers, a 25-year Army veteran and […] Continue reading →