Sarah Palin Just Uncovered The Real Reason Trump Is Dominating The Polls (The Media Hates It)


 Donald Trump is leading in the polls because he speaks for working class voters, according to a Breitbart column by Sarah Palin.

“Trump has tapped into America’s great populist tradition by speaking to concerns of working class voters,” Palin wrote. “He talks about fighting to bring back our factories. When was the last time a candidate talked passionately about reclaiming our manufacturing base (and knew what he was talking about)?”

Not everyone agrees. GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., blamed the media for Trump’s rise in the polls to the point where he is the Republican front-runner.

“If I had a billion dollars’ worth of advertising and every network going gaga over that, I think we could get our (poll numbers) to rise also,” Paul told CNN. Paul also said he expected that the “temporary loss of sanity” over Trump would be short-lived and that eventually more serious candidates would rise to the top.”

“It’s no surprise pundits and politicos are determined to destroy a candidacy they can’t control or shape with their mere words,” Palin wrote. “Expect marginalization of anyone speaking well of Trump’s efforts. He’s a threat to the permanent political class.”


 Palin’s piece emphasizes repeatedly that Trump is the lone candidate talking about the issues that truly matter to the American people. He takes stands that are in line with what they wish the leader of their country would do, she wrote.

“Trump focused in on two major populist grievances: the loss of working class jobs due to awful trade agreements, and the unfair competition for those jobs – along with security threats – due to the flood of illegal immigrants pouring across unsecured borders,” she wrote.

Further, she said, Trump stands out from the crowd.

“Trump’s unconventional candidacy is a shot in the arm for ordinary Americans fed up with the predictable poll tested blather of squishy milquetoast career politicians who campaign one way and govern another,” she wrote.

h/t: Breitbart

Do you think Trump is a flash in the pan, or can he win the Republican nomination? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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