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Johns Hopkins

Microscopic organisms Found In Lakes May Be Literally Changing The Way People Think

 While conducting a totally separate experiment, a group of scientists from Johns Hopkins and the University of Nebraska accidentally discovered something unexpected and potentially disturbing. A virus was living in the mouths and throats of a good portion of the people in the study, a virus that the researchers didn’t think was capable of infecting […] Continue reading →

Former Director of the CIA and NSA : ‘We kill people based on metadata’

 At a recent debate concerning the National Security Agency’s bulk surveillance programs, former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden admitted that metadata is used as the basis for killing people. The comments were made during a debate at Johns Hopkins University, after Georgetown University Law Center professor David Cole detailed the kind of information the […] Continue reading →

Sousa scion leads Ben Carson White House draft parade; Cmte raises $2.8 million

Neil W. McCabe  The great-grandson of legendary band leader John Philip Sousa told Human Events in an exclusive interview he why he is leading the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, a movement to convince retired Johns Hopkins University pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin S. Carson Sr., to run for president. Carson is a true conservative, who reminds […] Continue reading →

Ben Carson: Uprooting Obamacare with Better Ideas

Dr. Ben Carson,  As a child, I was attracted to anything that dealt with medicine. Many stories featured Johns Hopkins Hospital, and eventually I was privileged to spend 36 years at Johns Hopkins working with brilliant and caring colleagues who dedicated their lives to the art and science of healing. After a storybook career that […] Continue reading →