The Official Mexican Jumping Bean Owners Manual

Live Mexican Jumping Beans You remember them as a child. Fun for the whole family. Cheapest price on the internet. The fresh 2013 crop is now available for a limited time. Our Jumping Beans will put a smile on your child’s face or die trying! Order now. Beans That

Beans respond to both light and warmth to get them active and jumping. Do not expose your beans to extremely hot temperatures i.e. accidentally left in the hot car or in cold places like your refrigerator.

Jumping beans

  Violent shaking of your beans or dropping them to the ground may inflict irreversible brain damage rendering your beans lifeless. The only tricks your beans do is simply jump. Remember that your Jumping Beans are a living creature and they do/will get tired. Let your new pets take a “time out” every now and then to refresh themselves.

  Your Jumping Beans do not require any food to eat. However, your beans will require an occasional drink of water to extend their life expectancy. Once a week lightly mist the beans with lukewarm water. They don’t need much water. Jumping Beans do not like baths or to participate in underwater scuba activities. Just a little sprits will do. Allow the water to soak into the beans (5 - 10 minutes) and remove any excess water with a paper towel. Drying your beans is very important. Leaving the beans wet may cause mold to grow on them shorting their life expectancy.

  Jumping Beans have very few predators in nature. Around the house many beans have lost their lives to the following tragedies:

  • Sucked up by the vacuum cleaner.

  • Eaten by the dog.

  • Fallen down the drain.

  • Got to friendly with the cat.

  • Accidentally stepped on and squished

  • Went through the cloths washer or dryer

To prevent accidents always put your Jumping Beans back into their plastic apartment for safe keeping.

  The secret for the longest jumping life possible is as follows:

  • Avoid accidents.

  • Give your beans a drink of water once a week.

  • Periodic exercise will assure your beans will not stop jumping prematurely.


Making Them Jump

  Jumping Beans respond to warmth and light to get them active. Gently shake their plastic apartment to wake them up from their nap. Place the Jumping Beans under a bright light for a few minutes. Be patient, they just woke up from a nap and it may take a few minutes for them to begin jumping. If your beans do not begin to jump after 10 minutes under the light, try warming them up. This is done by removing the beans from their plastic apartment. Place the beans into the palm of your hand. Be still and avoid quick movements. The heat from your hand should stimulate your beans to start jumping. As a last resort put all the beans back into their plastic apartment, and put the box into your shirt or pants pocket for some extra warmth. They should begin to jump within a few minutes.

  The Jumping Beans natural resting position is round side up “n” when left alone for a period of time. The beans are lazy and are taking a nap and will not jump at all. This is normal. Shake the plastic box to wake them up or remove the beans from their apartment. Place the beans round side down “U” on a table and they will begin to jump in a few minutes.

  Rolling, bouncing or spinning your beans will only scare them and increase the length of time until they decide to jump. Be patient! Remember, good things come to those who wait.

  It never fails that when it is time for bed your Jumping Beans start jumping up a storm. Don’t let them keep you awake all night. Put them in a dresser drawer until the morning or place a small cotton ball inside their apartment.

The Jumping Beans Life Cycle

   This amazing process starts every Spring when a deciduous shrub native only to Mexico begins to bloom. The shrub is known as Sebastiana pavoniana which grows on rocky desert slopes in the states of Sonora & Chihuahua, Mexico. The female Jumping Bean moth Laspeyresia saltitans lays her eggs on the immature ovaries (capsules) of the shrubs flower. After a few weeks the eggs hatch and the tiny insect larvae (worm) eats its way to the inside of the flowers capsule. As the shrub matures, the capsules that contain the insect larva become hard and changes to a brownish color. The moth larvae, now trapped inside his new home, begins eating the developing seed inside the capsule as food. After the first spring rains occur, the capsules separate into three sections and fall to the ground. Those capsules that are lucky to contain a moth larvae inside begin to “jump” on the forest floor. Our mysterious Mexican Jumping Bean has come to life. After months of jumping, the moth larvae will go dormant for a short time and begin spinning a cocoon inside the capsule. This is the stage when the larvae will undergo metamorphosis and an adult Jumping Bean moth will emerge. The moth will fly off into the desert and this amazing life cycle is repeated for the next generation of Mexican Jumping beans.